Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shoe Shine

MotoGP, F1 Canada and Lemans meant all I did over the weekend was sit in front of the telly. The F1 was prob the most entertaining race in a long time, more than made up for the 2hour odd wait for the restart. Even the qualifying was pretty exciting.

Anyway rather than write the whole long weekend off, I decided to swap wheels and effectively wheelclamp the brown Cef with my old Model 5s. Even with every slip-on spacer I could find and borrow, the stupid things still foul on the calipers. Ugliest anti-theft device ever.
The old shields were lookin pretty ugly...


After a few hours I was pretty much done with the first one. Looks heaps better.


Though my arm is aching and I've really started to hate those stupid little bolts. I'm sure if I took em out to make things easier, then I'd bust the seal and I'd need to completely reassemble the things so I'm not doing that. So my home will remain looking rather ghetto while I finish off the set in the lounge room. Too cold to be done in the garage.

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